Real Estate U Email Signatures!

Directions for Gmail:

Step 1: Open your HTML file
Click the button that says your name below to get to your personalized email signature. You may use any browser of your choice.

Step 2: Copy Signature
Select your entire signature design by right clicking, and then go to Edit > Select All and then Edit > Copy. Or for Macs,(Command+A) and Copy (Command+C).

Step 3: Open Gmail Settings
In Gmail, go to the Gear icon on the upper right hand side. In the drop down menu, go to Settings.

Step 4: Paste HTML Content and Save
Under the General tab in Settings, scroll down till you find the Signature section. Click inside the Signature edit box and go to Edit > Paste to paste in the HTML you have stored in the clipboard (Command+V). Click “Save Changes” right below the Signature edit box.